July 30, 2016

Happiness Diary #28

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (7/23/16)

1) Photo: Emptied vodka bottles. Not by me of course. :P
2) The worst thing I ate today was a half a cherry with a maggot inside (idk if I can eat cherries anymore) and the best thing was ice cream and pizza. 
3) We had Mike and Sara over for a pool day and everyone had a great time including the dogs. Also, I discovered Butterfinger flurries are way better than peanut butter cup flurries but maybe it was just because mine didn't have enough chunks. I still have yet to find my favorite. 
4) I am grateful for perfect pool day weather once again. 


1) Photo (from yesterday): Luckily this did not end in disaster.
2) Too many good leftovers
3) Today was a major veg day watching lots of movies and procrastinating on the tidying. 
4) The thunderstorm this morning made me very happy. I kind of wished it would last all day so I would feel less guilty about doing nothing. :D


1) Photo: A stack of bowls got caught in the storm Sunday morning and I didn't want them to go to waste so I hand washed them.  And there they are drying.  Yup. 
2) I bought some sprouted tortillas from Costco and they are really quite good.
3) I felt under the weather today (weekend hangover) but I did everything on my to do list (including a dreaded workout) and afterward I felt much better.
4) I am grateful for reminders to be healthy.


1) Photo: My poor neglected summer raspberries. Maybe I'll be more attentive with my fall crop. 
2) NA
3) I worked at the offsite lab today and decided to leave a little early so I could have extra time to work out and get some painting done. Not that I mind being at that site, I kind of wish I could work there full time.
4) I am grateful for my wonderful husband who brought my lunch to me because I accidentally grabbed the wrong container which was full of my boiled eggs. Without him the lab would have been very stinky. 


1) Photo: Blue pool toes. 
2) Pretzel chips and hummus
3) Today was another pool day with my LS. Her older sister wanted to come swimming too so I picked them both up on my way home from work and we had a chill evening in the pool. It was much more enjoyable than the children's museum, ha. 
4) I am grateful for natural light and windows in my home. 


1) Photo: I don't normally eat and walk but I was starving after my workout and Brian wanted to walk ASAP so we could beat the storm so here I am. Stuffing my face in public. 
2) Triple cream wild mushroom brie from TJ's. It should be illegal it is SO  good. 
3) Not much to say about today except we went to Trader Joe's and even though I had brushed my teeth before I couldn't help but dig into some goodies when we got home.  Everyone should brush three times a day anyway right? 
4) I am grateful for being able to get stronger. 


1) Photo: I looked down and there was purple. 
2) NA
3) Today was an enjoyable day of work and I am so happy to have the whole weekend ahead of me! Shall I Snap? We shall see! 
4) I am grateful for lacrosse balls. They work very well for myofascial release, especially on sore feet.  

July 23, 2016

Happiness Diary #27

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (7/16/16)

1) Photo: My Zulily package finally arrived three weeks after placing the order! It's ok though because I like everything, a relief because nothing is returnable. 
2) I made garlic and chickpea shrimp pasta for dinner. 
3) Brian brought Zuzu to the park while I ran around it twice. Then we came home and chilled in the pool. I love warm summer evenings!
4) I am grateful for the way I feel when I eat like a normal person and not my usual ten year old candy fiend self. 


1) Photo: About to take a dip. 
2) NA. Should have went out for that ice cream. 
3) I finished my weekend of work and it was very enjoyable as usual. 
4) I'm grateful for family and friends who are supportive of my hobbies and inspire me to keep doing them! ❤️


1) Photo: Zuzu watching intently as Brian mows the lawn. 
2) Chicken strips and fries. 
3) After work Brian and I (and Zuzu who wasn't used to the vehicle we were driving and was barking and whining because she couldn't see out the window like usual so she had to be on my lap the whole time and scratched up my face) drove to Lake Odessa so Brian could cut his parents grass while they were in Colorado. It didn't need much of a trim as most of it was dead which made for quick work so we decided to stick around a little while and get dinner from the local Dairy Queen. Fun-ish impropteau date-ish night. 
4) Thank God for Advil, work would have been much suckier than usual without it. 


1) Photo: Snapchat story #3
2) I made half a batch of Red Lobster biscuits and ate them all myself.  Should have put that in the story.
3) I'm having a lot of fun snapchatting and even though my life isn't super exciting it might be entertaining to look back on these videos when I'm 80. 
4) I'm happy Brian is getting into the Hawaii guidebooks and is starting to find good things for us to see and do and eat. I love having a plan!


1) Photo: Dreaming about that time I had Dairy Queen for dinner. 
2) NA
3) We are having Mike and Sara over pretty early on Saturday and I won't have much time to tidy/get the house presentable tomorrow or Friday so it had to get done today.  Not exciting but task accomplished.  Also, I am too tired to work out and going to bed early will be amazing especially since I have to wake up extra early tomorrow. 
4) I am happy hot weather makes Zuzu a mellow sleepy pup. 


1) Photo: It's really too bad I can't show my Little Sister in photos but she was over on the side looking impressed with Brian's bubble! 
2) Subway egg white flatbread 
3) Today I introduced Brian to LS's grandma and then he came with the two of us to go to the Children's Museum. I didn't love it to be honest (way too busy and loud) but LS and Brian had a good time so I was happy about that. 
4) I am grateful Brian had time to come with us today!


1) Photo: One of the three things I prepped for tomorrow!
2) NA, but excited for feast day tomorrow!
3) I went to the grocery store and Costco after work, watered my flowers and skimmed the pool, made my dip/salad (above), asparagus quinoa salad and the chicken for chicken quesadillas tomorrow and got in a quick work out and shower.  I got to bed later than I would have liked but hey, it's the weekend!
4) I am grateful for avocados.

July 16, 2016

Happiness Diary #26

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day

2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (7/9/16)


1) Photo: The Olympic trials for woman's gymnastics started last night. I ❤️ it. 
2) A slice of chocolate raspberry pie I discovered in the freezer.
3) Zuzu had fun at the dog park today. She (sorta) played with a little girl whose dad brought her into the fenced in area just to spend time with the dogs. 
4) I am grateful for down time.


1) Photo: Zuzuball. She was exhausted from being forced to swim in the pool. Brian and I are trying to train her to swim toward the stairs in case she falls in and we aren't around. I've heard about many people whose dogs have drowned in their pool and I will not let that happen to Z!
2) NA
3) We finally booked our flight to Hawaii! The trip is officially on. eeks!
4) I was happy to have the Walshes over today to use the pool, I got a lot of lovely sun soaking in. 


1) Photo: Society6 had another good sale so I snatched up the tapestry I had my eye on for a while.  I figured I will switch out the current beach scene with this one titled "Winter seascape" during the colder months of the year.  Unfortunately, when I opened the package I found a small but ugly yellow stain near the center of the tapestry but I'm pretty sure they are going to send me a replacement.  I have an affiliate link (I think?) to a coupon code for 10$  off if you are interested!  They sell lots of different things from duvet covers to canvases to apparel and more. Society6 is all about "empowering independent artists worldwide" and I love how unique all the pieces are. 
2) Gushers. 
3) I did a really great job of doing nothing today. 
4) I am grateful for having a job!!! :P


1) Photo: In the pool after the big storm. 
2) Tuna. 
3) Today I picked up LS to go swimming but there was a big storm on the way so we stayed inside and played WordUp instead. She still wanted to swim when the rain cleared so we went out for a little while. Afterwards we came back inside and had enough time to play one round of Pass the Pigs with Brian, who is pretty much the only person who can make that game seem like tons of fun. 
4) I love a good thunderstorm!



1) Photo: Our Maui home for six nights!
2) Mozzarella chicken burgers and edamame from Costco 
3) Vacation planning is underway and the more we plan the more excited I get!  Brian just needs to book the hotel for Oahu which he will be able to do in a day or two. They are expecting 12,000 people traveling to Hawaii just for this conference so it's a good thing they blocked some rooms for us. 
4) I am grateful for things to look forward to. 


1) Photo: Basement progress. Painting paneling is a bit of a chore.

2) Leftover mozzarella chicken burger
3) Brian was gone most of the night doing a different tennis league and I kept busy by working out and doing laundry and keeping the kitchen clean.  Exciting stuff. Oh, and I Headspaced (meditation app) for the first time outside and it was very enjoyable. 
4) I'm grateful for a day off tomorrow.


1) Video: My second Snapchat video! Pretty much sums up my entire day.
2) I made some chicken quesadillas with the cooked Costco chicken and they turned out pretty delicious! 
3) I had a great day today and am loving writing this entry from my new computer! It's a small chromebook which is so much more convenient than my mammoth Dell laptop and I can easily lay on the couch and type away. And I think it might even be travel friendly! ;)
4) I am grateful for great days. 

July 13, 2016

Way Back Wednesday: Zuzu's First Day

I forgot all about these videos I recorded on March 22, 2015,  Zuzu's first day home. She was soo tiny and cute though I don't miss the constant nipping of fingers and feet and the times I had to get up at 2 in the morning to take her outside. Now she is almost one and a half and while she is still learning how to be the perfect pet, at least she listens when I call her name as opposed to before when she didn't respond to anything, and for a few days I seriously thought she was deaf.

July 9, 2016

Happiness Diary #25

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (7/2/16)

1) Photo: The Holmberg Family Fourth is on!
2) I made chicken fajitas and tacos tonight for dinner. The veggies may have been a little over done but it still tasted good to me!
3) Today was the day my family arrived (minus two of my sisters and their significant others ☹️). Skye and Mitch got here a few hours before my parents and it was nice to have time with them before the wild party really got started. (Haha)
4) I'm sad I didn't take enough pictures to make a whole post about the weekend but I'm happy I was living in the moment and I'm grateful everyone arrived safe.  


1) Photo: The HFF menu and a few of the items I prepared today. Note to self: Next time make more potatoes so we can have more leftovers the next day!  Also, a little less olive oil would be great.
2) Rice Krispie treats
3) I'm definitely not used to being a hostess and having to think about all the
 food and snacks and when to start making meals, etc. I did a ton of food prep and cooking yesterday morning though so it was pretty easy to pull all the meals together.  Also it is nice my family are wonderful guests who are undemanding especially when it comes to food. :) The highlight of the day was playing Spikeball with the family (Thanks for the game Skye and Mitch!)
4) I'm grateful it was a perfect pool day!


1) Photo: I bought this four pound bag of salmon dog food for $2 online and I'm going to use it as treats for Zuzu because she loves the stuff. We won't have to buy treats for a while! 
2) Leftover fajitas and guacamole
3) Everyone left today 😢 I got a good start on tidying the house and also enjoyed a lot of relax time. Gretchen and the kids came over for a little bit today but Brian and I were a little pooled out so we went inside after a little while and watched Independence Day.
4) I'm grateful for freedom (Happy Fourth of July!) and for having the next two days off!


 photo image_zpsmrouuieg.gif  
1) Photo: My sister Meara bought a few gifts for Zuzu including this stuffed bone Zuzu really wanted to get her paws on.
2) Leftover Rice Krispies
3) The house is back to normal and I did a workout DVD for the first time in quite a while! It feels good to get back into it. In other news I found out my sister Britt is having a baby girl! Woohoo I guessed right! 😊
4) I am grateful for making the most of my time off.


1) Photo: I burned this piece of bread in the toaster and it was smoking so much I panicked and threw it outside to get rained on.

2) Too many Gushers. Typical.
3) I didn't leave the house today except to take Zuzu on a short but sweaty walk. I did get in 30 minutes of painting, did some online shopping and worked out.
4) I am grateful I am not sick yet (Brian started to get a cold yesterday) and am hopeful the sickness will skip me like usual.


1) Photo: LS and me at the movies. 
2) Movie popcorn!
3) I knew I wanted a low key get together with LS today so we decided to go see The Jungle Book. I have seen it before but was happy to see it again. I told LS some parts might be a little scary and that made her want to see it even more. :)
4) I am grateful for purses big enough to fit two drinks and extra snacks!



1) Photo: I've been obsessed with fresh flowers in my house the past couple of weeks.
2) Chips and guac
3) My biggest accomplishment today was fixing the pantry shelf/drawer that broke two days ago. I had waay too many canned goods sitting on it and the track broke and sent the shelf crashing down. We've been living in kitchen chaos since and it's nice to finally have the counters clear again.
4) I'm grateful for a lovely non-stressful Friday at work and even though I only worked two days this week I'm very happy it's the weekend!


July 6, 2016

Mail Goodies

A while back (quite a while ago actually, I forgot to post this!), I received a 10% off coupon for being a Sephora Beauty insider (Sephora's lowest ranking beauty club) and decided it was the perfect time to place an order. Here is what I purchased:

Sephora PRO Featherweight Powder Brush

This was the item I was most looking forward to. I have been wanting a powder brush ever since purchasing the Laura Mercier powder in this haul because the only brush I had to use with it was a flat top kabuki-not ideal for loose powder if you ask me. I chose this one because the size and price seemed right. So far I love it, it's super soft and works very well for lightly setting my makeup and it feels luxurious on my skin.

L'Occitane hand cream in the Lavender scent.

I bought the hand cream to use at night when my hands are feeling dry and tight. The lotion I've been using recently has such an overpowering scent I have to sleep with my hands wrapped up in the blankets or I will get a headache. I love the scent of lavender and it is supposed to be relaxing so I thought this hand cream would be perfect. It smells lovely at first though after a few minutes it takes on a bit of a powdery scent, but it isn't very strong and so I will continue to use it. I'm on the lookout for a true lavender scented hand lotion.

A Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Lipgloss in Sugar Sugar

The lipgloss was kind of an impulse purchase because I heard someone rave about it on YouTube just before I placed my Sephora order. Unfortunately it was too light for my lips and made them look frosty-not the kind of look I'm trying to achieve. I debated returning the gloss and getting my money back because spending $28 on a lipgloss is a little ridiculous. However, I don't buy makeup very often anymore and it's fun to own something a little upscale now and then. Also, I have gotten very good with using lip glosses until they are completely empty, something I never did in the past because I had so many of them. So instead of getting my money back, I went to Sephora and exchanged 'Sugar Sugar' for 'Pretty Thing' which is a shade darker. And it is lovely.
The end.

July 5, 2016

Happiness Diary #24

Oops, I'm a little late in posting this week! Blame it on the holiday.

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (6/25/16)


1) Photo: I found a great new place to walk during breaks! It's very open with lots of windows. 
2) My dinner salad with Greek olives and feta cheese (with a side of mango Mochi and other sweets) was pretty good though the lettuce was a little old. I was so proud of myself for using up the entire Costco bag of spinach but I forgot about the gigantic lettuce bag... 
3) I had a good day at work and came home without feeling brain dead from lack of activity! Also Brian and I made a trip to Trader Joes and the store is really growing on me. 
4) I am happy I'm remembering to water my flowers every day.



1) Photo: This tattoo thing is only jewelry I can really wear since I get hives whenever I wear metal around my neck. 
2) BBQ kettle chips and gummy bears 
3) Tonight was the concert! I loved it and it reminded me that I should get out and do more things because they are usually so fun!
4) I'm grateful for a fun double date night with Beth and Nick.



1) Photo by LS. She liked reading all the ways one could enjoy the pretzels. 
2) Carrots and hummus 
3) I had my LS over today since I had the day off and I didn't see her last week because she was at camp. We swam in the pool the entire time and I'm so happy she likes the water because it makes for an easy and fun get together.
4) I am grateful for getting two days off work this week. I'm getting lots of things accomplished. 



1) Photo: A photo I forgot to share from a few weeks ago of Zuzu's first encounter with a baby. She did great and only gave a little yelp when the baby (Brian's cousin's daughter) pulled at her lip.  
2) Too many sweets!
3) I'm slowly but surely getting ready for the Holmberg Family Fourth. Today I washed sheets and went grocery shopping. I've given up on the idea of painting the basement before they come but I'm sure they won't mind.
4) I am grateful Brian is anti-drugs. 



1) Photo: I am currently reading on the deck with Zuzu and eating chip crumbs with a fork. 
2) Chip crumbs  
3) I'm 99% sure my family will be here Saturday through Monday this weekend   It looks like it will be the perfect weather for a family weekend at the pool. 🙌 yay!
4) I was very grateful my neighbor caught Zuzu after she escaped from the deck and ran away. She came home muddy and with fifty varieties of burrs ALL over (much worse than last time) but at least she didn't get hurt. 



1) Photo: We set up our mattress in Brian's office and Zuzu thinks it's her new dog bed. 
2) NA
3) I haven't worked out in a few days because I've been too tired from getting ready for the family. It's good though because I could use a workout vacation and I'd rather have a clean house anyway. 
4) I am grateful for Zuzu removing most of the burrs herself. I came home today and all the burrs I wasn't able to pick out yesterday were gone! 



1) Photo: Rice Krispie treats I made with LS
2) A tiny sliver of the treats (I'm saving them for tomorrow!)
3) I picked up LS after work today and we made a quick stop at Costco before coming home to play with Zuzu and make (the best ever) Rice Krispie treats.  I let LS make her own in a bread pan and I made a big marshmallowy batch in a 8x13 for the fam this weekend!
4) I am soo grateful for not having to clean bathrooms. Thank goodness for cleaning ladies and Brian.