September 20, 2017

May Highlights 2017

It's not too late for a May Highlight post is it?

Wednesday, May 3rd Zuzu ran around with Charlie.

Saturday, May 6 Zuzu in the mulch.


Sunday, May 7 I worked my last normal weekend at HPE. Sad.


Monday, May 8 I hiked with Zuzu for an hour. 

Wednesday, May 10 My little and I met up with another BBBS match at Airtime. It was a lot of fun!

Friday, May 12 Had a pizza dinner at Cosmo's and enjoyed a fire at the Gough's.


Saturday, May 13 Got some vitamin D.


Sunday, May 14 Happy Mother's Day! Zuzu in the mulch, part two,

 in love with my white and purple lilacs,

Brian got dry needled,

I made princess faces with Laney,
and we ended the day with this amazing lemon bundt cake.

Friday, May 19 Zuzu snuggles.

Saturday, May 20  

My blog seems quite blah lately so here is a mini "day in my life".

Brian and I started our Saturday early because I have to work tomorrow and we wanted to make the most of our only weekend day together.  After breakfast and getting caught up on the last two episodes of Survivor, I went for a run while Brian worked on the pool and mowed the lawn.
I wanted to go the Futon market after we cleaned up because our neighbors offered their weekly CSA bundle to us as they were out of town, but unfortunately I had the times wrong in my head and realized we had totally missed it. :(  Instead we headed to Jaku for some delicious sushi lunch. 

We debated on what to do next: Go to the outlet malls? (It was raining like crazy and I didn't really feel like shopping.) Go to the downtown market? (Would be enjoyable but it's more fun when we are eating a meal there.) Go to a movie? I checked the times for the nearby cinema and Gaurdians of the Galaxy would be playing at 3:40, just enough time to grab some goodies at the gas station and get something warm from Starbucks before heading in to grab tickets and popcorn. Our stomachs are bottomless pits!


We both thoroughly enjoyed the movie (though the person one seat down from me was using a breathing machine which was a little distracting) and made it home around 6:00 to take Zuzu on a nice long walk and afterward I had a rolling and stretching session and prepared for work before hitting the sack. It was a great Saturday!


Friday, May 19th Received my double orange bracelet at Fighthouse MMA.


Saturday, May 27 My friend Tessa and her boys came over for some fun in the sun.


Sunday, May 28 I ate really good food and admired my flowering bushes

Monday, May 29 Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 30 Brian got the smallest black eye ever from BJJ.  It looks like a moley mole.
I'm in the current Fighthouse MMA marketing ad.

Wednesday, May 31  Brian spent time with my Little and me for a slime making competition.


September 10, 2017

Hawaii 2016 Vacation Videos!

Hello strangers!  I edited my videos I recorded in Hawaii but never posted them on my blog so here they are! The first video is from our time in Oahu and the second is from Maui.  I wish I would have gotten more footage from Maui, especially from our hikes and our trip to Hana, but oh well, better luck next time!  

(Please forgive the typos/shoddy editing.)

p.s. I'm kind of missing blogging...maybe it'll make a comeback soon?