Every day I share:
1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy.
Saturday (12/24/16)
2) Cookies (above) and caramels from my parents Christmas package.
3) After work and exchanging a little gift with the neighbors, Brian and I opened our Christmas presents and then made a quick trip to Target for some non-necessities and some dinner. Happy Christmas Eve! Sending extra love to my bedridden sister in Minneapolis.
3) After work and exchanging a little gift with the neighbors, Brian and I opened our Christmas presents and then made a quick trip to Target for some non-necessities and some dinner. Happy Christmas Eve! Sending extra love to my bedridden sister in Minneapolis.
4) I am grateful that everything will always be okay in the end.
2) Mashed sweet potato/turnip/parsnip dish
3) Merry Christmas! After my slow day at work I headed to Lake Odessa for Christmas with the family. Everyone was in a bit of a Christmas stupor but it was still a good time and we had a lovely dinner.
4) I am grateful for safe roads this holiday season.
1) Video: Snap story
1) Photo: Going to swing on the frozen swing set.
1) Photo: Overcooked but edible first attempt with my new pressure cooker! Tomorrow I'm trying black beans.
1) Photo: Unfortunately the only picture I took today. I was planning on taking a picture of the Christmas tree or people at the Christmas party but totally forgot! :-\
2) All the Christmas cookies
3) I had a productive day today making egg casserole, black beans in the pressure cooker, and double chocolate chip cookies (from a cookie mix). I also worked out and took a 50 minute nap and walked Zuzu and went to the Reed family Christmas party at Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bob's. Whew.
4) I am grateful for the loving people who make up our extended family.
3) Merry Christmas! After my slow day at work I headed to Lake Odessa for Christmas with the family. Everyone was in a bit of a Christmas stupor but it was still a good time and we had a lovely dinner.
4) I am grateful for safe roads this holiday season.

1) Photo: Queen Laney opening her birthday gifts.
1) Photo: Queen Laney opening her birthday gifts.
2) Birthday cake
3) I was a little frazzled from working seven days in a row but was still able to get in a workout (might have been a bad idea) and have fun at the dance party (ha) birthday.
4) I'm grateful I was able to celebrate Laney's seventh birthday with the family.
3) I was a little frazzled from working seven days in a row but was still able to get in a workout (might have been a bad idea) and have fun at the dance party (ha) birthday.
4) I'm grateful I was able to celebrate Laney's seventh birthday with the family.
2) Too many 'poor me' sweets
3) I became an aunt again exactly four weeks after my last little niece was born!
4) I am so grateful that even though little Aiden came early everyone is doing well!
3) I became an aunt again exactly four weeks after my last little niece was born!
4) I am so grateful that even though little Aiden came early everyone is doing well!
2) Caramel and pretzels
3) I picked up my Little today and we played games with Brian and took Zuzu to the park and came home and had hot chocolate.
4) I am grateful my back isn't worse today.
3) I picked up my Little today and we played games with Brian and took Zuzu to the park and came home and had hot chocolate.
4) I am grateful my back isn't worse today.
2) Chocolate covered almonds
3) I finished a little project I needed to get done (work related) and did a cautious workout. I'm can't wait until I'm at 100% again!
4) I'm grateful for always having everything I ever really need.
3) I finished a little project I needed to get done (work related) and did a cautious workout. I'm can't wait until I'm at 100% again!
4) I'm grateful for always having everything I ever really need.
2) All the Christmas cookies
3) I had a productive day today making egg casserole, black beans in the pressure cooker, and double chocolate chip cookies (from a cookie mix). I also worked out and took a 50 minute nap and walked Zuzu and went to the Reed family Christmas party at Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bob's. Whew.
4) I am grateful for the loving people who make up our extended family.
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