August 21, 2016

Happiness Diary #31

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (8/13/16)

1) Photo: A day at the dog park. Zuzu, Beau(?) and Brian. 
2) Cookie dough flurry
3) I am really getting into doing vlogs on my days off and even though they are terrible it gives me something to do with my time. Also, I didn't end up taking a nap today so I am going to bed before 8 tonight and I am so excited. 
4) I am grateful for new ventures. 


1) Photo: Hiking!
2) Dried corn thingies from Trader Joes. 
3) I filmed my contest entry for someone on YouTube and its probably the most boring entry they will have but I'm just proud I did it. Also my hike with Zuzu was so nice and I got some painting done. I rock. 
4) I'm happy Brian and his team won their state championship match. They have been working very hard this year and it's finally time to show their stuff! Talent that is.  


1) Photo: My barely surviving flowers. Is it fall yet? 
2) NA 
3) It's another start to a long week of work but before I know it it will be time to post this blog entry!
4) I'm grateful time is always moving. 


1) Photo: Family walk 
2) Ice cream and peanut butter
3) In exactly one month we will be on our way to Hawaii! I did a some planning today and scheduled transportation to and from the hotel and a little activity for myself (SUP yoga) while Brian is at the conference, I even got a Yelp deal which made it $10 cheaper!
4) I'm grateful I got home earlier than usual today. 


1) Photo: Fun text from Brian. In the second photo she is on his lap "recovering". 
2) Peanut butter and marmelade sandwich
3) Lesson of the day: Don't feed salmon to your dog as much as she loves it, or you will be cleaning up diarrhea all night long. Discipline equals freedom!!!
4) I am grateful for another afternoon with my LS. We put on a movie and played board games until it was time to drop her off at church for her vacation bible school. :)


1) Photo: I picked up these dried mangoes from Costco and they have no added sugar or sulfates!!! They are probably the best dried mangoes I've ever had, including Trader Joe's. 
2) The garlic pepper chicken I baked today 
3) Brian left for Indiana today and he dropped Zuzu off to be boarded overnight so I don't have to worry about her while I work on Friday. After work today I was able to get a much needed workout, cook dinner, go to Costco and tidy the kitchen without worrying once about having to entertain or take out the dog. It was kind of nice actually. 
4) Though I do miss Brian and Zuzu I am happy for alone time once in a while. 


1) Photo: The boarding place emailed me this picture of Zuzu in doggy daycare today. Z made it into five out of seven photos this week! Apparently I need to be more creative. 
2) NA
3) I was exhausted after work but was happy to come home and get a few things done before picking Z up and giving her a shower, etc. I ❤️ that pup. 
4) I'm grateful I made it through the week, bring on the weekend!

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