December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016

According to some people, 2016 was the worst year ever. While the world did suffer some pretty sucky moments, instead of dwelling on the negative I am going to list sixteen positive things that happened in the little world that is my life (in no particular order).

1) Brian and I made some progress on the house: painting the fireplace and bar area, creating the greenery, painting other areas of the house, installing LED lights, getting a new kitchen faucet, having a huge oak tree cut down, etc.

2) Brian and I hit our emergency savings goal and opened a Roth IRA for me.

3) Brian and I replaced the Buick with Heidi's Honda.

4) Zuzu matured a bit and although still likes to chew on the occasional slipper, kitchen mat, curtain and radiator, she has stopped destroying toilet paper, having accidents, and chewing on walls and no longer gives me new parent anxiety.

5) I trained at the urgent care lab at work.


6) Brian and I experienced an epic Hawaiian vacation.


4) Brian's tennis team made it to nationals in California


7) I passed the molecular diagnostics program at Michigan State.


8) Brian and I became an uncle and aunt twice on the Holmberg side.


9) I became a Big Sister in the Big Brother Big Sister program.


11) Brian and I became members at Fighthouse MMA.

12) I read many great life-improvement books including How Not to Die and The Universe Has Your Back (and am currently reading The Book of Joy).

13) I started Happiness Diary posts on the blog and managed to stay somewhat consistent with them.

14) Brian and I spent quality time with family and friends. (Times like: Holmberg visit to Grand Rapids, Reed game night, Shea's pool party, Fitz and the Tantrum's concert with Beth and Nick, lunch and movie dates with the girls, regular hiking meet-ups with Tessa, and hang outs with the Labadie and Gough's.) 

15) I bought a new laundry hamper.
16) Zuzu eats new dog food.

Ok, the last two are a stretch but if I think of any more in the near future I will write them in.

Anyway, I am eternally grateful for this past year and I am excited to see what 2017 has in store for the world and my life. My only resolution for 2017 is to try to make it as good or better than 2016.

Happy New Year everyone!

Happiness Diary #49

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (12/24/16)
1) Photo: Our new neighbors brought over some cookies (which were very tasty and lasted 2.2 seconds) and their super cute dog Charlie's photo from Family Friends. I regret not getting Zuzu's picture taken this year!
2) Cookies (above) and caramels from my parents Christmas package. 
3) After work and exchanging a little gift with the neighbors, Brian and I opened our Christmas presents and then made a quick trip to Target for some non-necessities and some dinner.  Happy Christmas Eve! Sending extra love to my bedridden sister in Minneapolis. 
4) I am grateful that everything will always be okay in the end. 

1) Photo: Brian playing 'Pass the Pigs' with Laney on the left and Zuzu hoping for Heidi handouts on the right. 
2) Mashed sweet potato/turnip/parsnip dish 
3) Merry Christmas! After my slow day at work I headed to Lake Odessa for Christmas with the family.  Everyone was in a bit of a Christmas stupor but it was still a good time and we had a lovely dinner.
4) I am grateful for safe roads this holiday season.


1) Photo: Queen Laney opening her birthday gifts. 
2) Birthday cake
3) I was a little frazzled from working seven days in a row but was still able to get in a workout (might have been a bad idea) and have fun at the dance party (ha) birthday. 
4) I'm grateful I was able to celebrate Laney's seventh birthday with the family. 


1) Video: Snap story
2) Too many 'poor me' sweets
3) I became an aunt again exactly four weeks after my last little niece was born!
4) I am so grateful that even though little Aiden came early everyone is doing well!

1) Photo: Going to swing on the frozen swing set.
2) Caramel and pretzels
3) I picked up my Little today and we played games with Brian and took Zuzu to the park and came home and had hot chocolate.
4) I am grateful my back isn't worse today. 

1) Photo: Overcooked but edible first attempt with my new pressure cooker! Tomorrow I'm trying black beans. 
2) Chocolate covered almonds
3) I finished a little project I needed to get done (work related) and did a cautious workout. I'm can't wait until I'm at 100% again!
4) I'm grateful for always having everything I ever really need.

1) Photo: Unfortunately the only picture I took today. I was planning on taking a picture of the Christmas tree or people at the Christmas party but totally forgot! :-\
2) All the Christmas cookies
3) I had a productive day today making egg casserole, black beans in the pressure cooker, and double chocolate chip cookies (from a cookie mix). I also worked out and took a 50 minute nap and walked Zuzu and went to the Reed family Christmas party at Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bob's. Whew.
4) I am grateful for the loving people who make up our extended family.


December 24, 2016

Happiness Diary #48

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (12/17/16)
1) Photo: A little broccoli to balance out the ice cream situation.
2) Thai food deliciousness and peppermint ice cream of course. 
3) Brian did a ton on shoveling today while I worked out and did some laundry and then we watched Christmas movies. 
4) I am grateful for my "general vitality combined with a good probability of longevity" (aka. health).   


1) Photo: Walk at Burton park
2) Pizza and breadsticks. Tsk tsk. 
3) We kind of forced a snowy and cold winter walk this morning but it made Zuzu tired which is always a good thing.  
4) I am grateful for the beautiful snow. 


1) Photo: Sushi lunch half off!
2) See above
3) I went to the 9:30 MMA class and then had lunch with some coworkers and now the day is almost over. I could totally be a retired person!
4) I am grateful for yoga mats. No more back hematomas for me!

1) Photo: Apparently we did lots of right leg kicks yesterday.  At least it's not shorts season. 
2) NA
3) I'm getting sick, ugh. I always notice I'm getting sick in the middle of the night and it fills me with dread.  I suppose a break from kicking isn't the worst thing in the world and my illnesses are usually very mind so I can't complain.
4) I am grateful for a chance to heal up my shin and not have to wear wimpy shin guards. ;)

1) Photo: Our festive little gingerbread house
2) Christmas cookies from my thoughtful and motivated neighbors.
3) I had my Little come over to decorate a gingerbread house! We even incorporated some of the neighbor cookies (see Christmas tree).  Two hours goes by fast when you are being creative.
4) I am grateful my Little noticed we forgot the gingerbread house only a minute after we left to bring her home, it could have been a lot longer drive than usual!

1) Photo: Early morning stair session, I did it just to warm up, I was freezing!
2) NA
3) I had my new badge photo taken! Actually not exciting at all and it turned out pretty awful but that's all I have to report from today.  After work I had a low key evening trying to get rid of my sore throat with neti pots and salt water gurgling and nasal sprays and cold meds.
4) I am grateful the kitchen can be a mess and Brian doesn't mind. (I'll clean it tomorrow!)

1) Photo: Brian and his "cavapoo anchor". Apparently it's very had to get things done with a cavapoo on your lap.
2) NA
3)  Brian and I met our new neighbor and her mom (who is visiting for the holidays) when we brought Zuzu to the dog park tonight which was very nice.  I suggested we get together sometime after the holidays and hopefully we actually do! In other news I'm still not feeling well enough to go to fitness class but at least I went to one session this week. I spent the rest of the night wrapping and tidying and getting ready for the next three days at HPE.
4) I am grateful for a pressure cooker from my parents! I can't wait to put it to use!


December 17, 2016

Happiness Diary #47

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (12/10/16)

1) Photo: I feel like I'm in a snow globe. 
2) NA
3) I shoveled! A lot!
4) I am grateful for a husband who knows how to use a roof rake. 


1) Photo: ...I've done better. 
2) Taco salad
3) Nothing too remarkable happened today. I worked, did some Pilates, shoveled and watched part of Beethoven. It's a childhood favorite of mine and Brian has never seen it so I forced him to watch. He got a little too into it.
4) I'm grateful I wasn't late to work this weekend with all of the snow. 


1) Photo: My 5 y.o. nephew at his daycare Christmas program. He's a tall one!
2) More taco salad
3) Shea's program was very cute. He was in the oldest group but they even had the two and three year old kids up on stage "singing" which was a little adorable. 
4) I'm grateful I didn't fall while on the long icy walk to the school entrance. 


1) Video: A few snippets of my day
2) Pomey
3) One thing I forgot to snap about was finally doing some more painting in the basement! Also Brian and I had a lot of fun at the MMA fitness class we tried tonight. Brian has his heart set on BJJ so I just have to decide what I want to do!
4) I am grateful for living so close to the MMA gym.


1) Photo: Brian and I are taking advantage of the holiday deals!
2) NA
3) I decided to go with the MMA fitness membership because of many factors, and I am happy Brian is totally fine with doing BJJ by himself.  We can still go to class at the same time but will be doing our own thing independently which is not necessarily a negative. 
4) I am so grateful I am not a construction worker working in 20 degree weather! Not even factoring the wind chill!!!!


1) Photo: #TBThursday to last Christmas
2) Dark chocolate
3) I enjoyed not working out today and watching the season finale of Survivor. Can't wait for next season. :) 
4) I am grateful for rest days.


1) Photo: I am officially a white bracelet...:D Don't mess with me. 
2) Egg bake and guac 
3) I had a super fun time at MMA fitness today. I was the only one who showed up for the 6 PM class so I basically got a private lesson from Johnny. It was a really good workout and it was also nice talk to him and learn a little bit about his background and more about how he structures his classes. I'm excited to go to more classes and learn more and get better!
4) I am happy I was able attend a supervisors going away party after work. I respect and admire her as a coworker and a person and I wish her well. 

December 10, 2016

Happiness Diary #46

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (12/3/16)

1) Photo: Saturday play time 
2) NA
3) I didn't do much today, I suppose I was just trying to get the most relaxation out of my last two days off.  Brian and his tennis buddies were planning on bowling tonight but I decided to stay home which was definitely a good thing because he didn't get back until after 1am!
4) I am grateful for being totally okay with being a hermit (today anyway). :)


1) Photo: Our Christmas tree didn't fit in our tree stand so Brian had to run out and get this heavy duty one. He likes it. A LOT. 
2) Appetizer night!
3) Brian and I killed our long errand list which included making stops at eight different places, buying things and returning things, etc.  The last stop was getting our Christmas tree!  I wanted to cut down our own this year but time was running out so we just picked one up from down the road.  Maybe next year.
4) I am grateful for buying our tree and getting it decorated all in one night as opposed to last year when it sat in our living room naked for at least a week. 


1) Photo: Running with the dog across the fence. 
2) NA
3) After a nice day at work I came home and brought Z to the dp, worked out and made healthy breakfast egg casserole.
4) I am grateful for having showers that make it easy to rinse off a muddy pup. 


1) Photo: LS and I coloring and waiting for the gifts to be wrapped.
2) NA
3) Tonight was the Grand Rapids Jaycees shopping event at Meijer. I signed up my Little because I thought it would be fun for her to be able to buy some Christmas presents for her family. She had $40 to work with and was able to buy something for six of her family members. Picking out gifts was fun though waiting for them to be wrapped while sitting in the "Party Room" for over half an hour (think small break area with tons of kids yelling and running around and creepy Santa in the corner) was not so fun.  It was worth it though and I'd probably do it again next year. 
4) I am grateful for being a part of my Little's Christmas preparations. 


1) Photo: Beth and me running!  (It's a challenge to snap a decent photo while running btw, you should have seen the other ones, I had like five chins as opposed to my usual two.)
2) Qdoba catered lunch and cookies at work today!
3) I felt pretty good our little run today and when I got home I was on an endorphin high!  It's so nice to get my workout done before getting home!  I also ordered a Christmas gift for my little from Shutterfly which took me the entire night to put together, but hopefully she likes it!
4) I am grateful for my warm coat on our run. ;)


1) Photo: My borrowed Jiu Jitzu Gi
2) NA
3) Brian and I have been talking about trying out Brazilian Jiu Jitzu for a while and tonight we finally went to our first class. It was definitely intimidating (there was one other girl but she had the second highest belt of the class) and it will take me a while to get used to the customs (like shaking everyone's hand before practice and bowing every time we leave or enter the padded practice room) but I think it could be a fun thing for Brian and me to do together.  Next Monday we are going to try the MMA fitness class before we decide which membership we want to go with. Trying new things is good, right? :)
4) I am grateful for not falling down or running into the wall (much) while running backwards during warm ups today. 


1) Photo: Thai fried (cauliflower) rice.
2) Strawberry fruit strip
3) It was my day off and I am happy to say I made the most of it and got stuff done (and with minimal sugar!). The best thing I did (with Brian's help) was figuring out how to get the sensor to work on our new touch-less kitchen faucet (the plumber had a wire plugged into the wrong part).
4) I am grateful for Trader Joe's riced cauliflower.  I've tried making my own before and it's so messy! I'm also thankful for our Christmas gift from Brian's parents, the plumber visit!

Happiness Diary #45

Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (11/26/2016)

1) Photo: Christmas in November!
2) All the things
3) Today was a fun family Thanksgiving with a little Christmas and birthday thrown in.  Thanks to Mom and Dad for having turkey twice this year so Brian and I could have a legit Thanksgiving dinner!
4) I'm thankful we could have a mini holiday celebration with the family. Next year will be a little different with all the babies but I can't wait!


1) Photo: Birthday cake pic from yesterday
2) My salad bar salad since Bliss and Vinegar was closed.
3) Brian and I made the drive back to Michigan with a super sleepy Z and moderate traffic.  We unpacked and then went to grab a few things from Costco and the grocery store including our anniversary gift to ourselves, a 4K TV!
4) I am grateful for making it home safely and for having tomorrow off. 


1) Photo: ❤️
2) Chocolates
3) Happy birthday to meee! Birthday + Cyber Monday = perfect combo.
4) I am grateful for another year of life.


1) Photo: Family walk
2) Gaucho salad
3) I got through my only day of work this week! Couldn't be happier.
4) I am grateful I had to work today and not only to save PTO believe it or not. :)


1) Photo: My current life
2) Gushers galore
3) This day off was all about doing laundry and tidying and watching Gilmore Girls and hiking with Tessa. A very nice day.
4) I am grateful for failures.


1) Photo: The go carts at Craig's Cruisers
2) Pizza
3) Today was the Big Brothers Big Sisters holiday party at Craig's Cruisers.  My LS and I hung out with her sister and her sister's Big and we all played laser tag and went on the go-carts and bumper cars and played a few arcade games as well. Everyone had fun and considering last year the matches just went to a day time movie to celebrate, this year was definitely a hit.

4) I am grateful my LS and I had such a great time tonight.



1) Photo: It's December 2nd and my Advent calendar is already half empty!
2) Shelled chestnuts from Costco
3) I spent a lot of the morning taking notes on the book How Not to Die and doing some slow carb diet research online. I found a few recipes to try and made a shopping list and am ready to get healthyish.
4) I am grateful for always having something to work towards.

December 5, 2016

Happiness Diary #44

(I'm in catch up mode!)
Every day I share:

1) A random photo of the day
2) Something I ate that was delicious
3) A meaningful event that happened or a task I was happy to accomplish
4) Something I was grateful for or that made me happy. 

Saturday (11/19/20)

1) Photo: Celebrating the first snow with a fire and my new birthday PJs from Brian. 
2) Sweet potato fries
3) I was able to see much of the beautiful first snow of the season while walking at work which I loved. After work I went home and ate a dinner of sweet potato fries and chocolate and watched Crimson Peak. :)
4) I am grateful for cozy evenings.




1) Photo: Chasing friends at the dp. 
2) Gaucho salad. I now know the correct spelling.
3) I had a slightly busier day at work than yesterday and also Beth stopped by which was nice. In other news Brian and I went to see Arrival and while it was entertaining it didn't quite live up to my expectations.
4) I am grateful for the luxury of going to the movies.


1) Photo: Everybody's favorite place to be, the DMV.
2) Breadless tuna melt
3) Brian and I now own a 2005 Honda CRV which is definitely an upgrade from the Buick. I had a lovely day off today and most enjoyed hiking with Tessa and Z. 
4) I'm grateful Heidi came with to the SOS to help with the title transfer and deal with an small unforeseen issue. 


1) Photo: I bought four rambutans from D&W. They were tasty but expensive and a little weird. 
2) NA
3) I didn't do a ton today except work out and tidy and prep the cookies for tomorrow.
4) I am grateful for fluffy dry towels. 


1) Photo: Our decorated sugar cookies 
2) NA
3) LS and I tried out my new maple leaf cookie cutters tonight. I think it was LS's first time rolling out dough haha. It was fun decorating the cookies but I realized later my powdered sugar must have been old because the icing tasted terrible. Oh well , they were still semi-edible.
4) I am grateful LS played with Zuzu today because it was too rainy for a walk. 

1) Photo: Thanksgiving day hike at Peace Park
2) We should have cooked a small turkey but instead we had crockpot beef and onion stew. 
3) This lovely non-traditional Thanksgiving day consisted of a long hike, a workout, some football watching, baking lemon bars, packing for WI and shopping at the outlet mall. :D
4) I am thankful for all of my family and friends and am grateful that even if it's just the two of us, it can still be a festive fun time with Brian. 


1) Photo: I made Zuzu a pillow perch for the drive.  It was a hit.
2) McDonalds Egg McMuffin
3) After work, Brian and I headed to Waukesha for Thanksgiving weekend with (most of) the family. Brian had tired out Zuzu during the day so she was the perfect little traveler.
4) I am grateful I was able to leave work a little bit early today!