November 1, 2015

Health Diary Week Three

Here are my notes for week three:

Day 15 (10-26-15)
Movement: Rest day
Food: Not satisfied
G tea: Yes
Meditation: No
Notes: Forgot to meditate when I got home from work. It was an unusual work day which always throws my routine for a loop.

Day 16
Movement: Legs
Food: Ehhh not so much
G tea: Yes
Meditation: ..well I tried but Zuzu was being a pistol and then Brian came home with Panera. So no.
Notes: Was proud of myself for working out before work today since I was scheduled to start work two hours later than usual. So at least that part of my day went well!

Day 17
Movement: 20 min cardio and 20 min arms
Food: Satisfied
G tea: Yes
Meditation: Yes
Notes: Today I had a great day at work and a great day at home! Why can't every day be this way? 

Day 18
Movement: Yoga
Food: Not satisfied
G tea: Yes
Meditation: Yea

Day 19
Movement: Rest day
Food: Not satisfied
G tea: Yes
Meditation: Yes

Day 20 (Halloween!)
Movement: 60 minutes moderate cardio and weights
Food: Definitely didn't eat well but I hate to say unsatisfied on a holiday...
G tea: Yes
Meditation: No
Notes: Three days of not great eating is taking its toll and I need to get back on track.

Day 21
Movement: 30 minute walk and a few random legs
Food: Not the best but I didn't eat much after 2:00 because I was still feeling bloated from yesterday so I will say satisfied.
G tea: Yes
Meditation: No
Notes: I REALLY need to work on my meditation on days I don't work! I haven't figured out the best time to meditate.

My synopsis:

Week three was not the best and it is typical of how I've been feeling about my diet the past year.  This coming week will be my last week of this phase and I will include photos and stats of any progress or lack thereof.  Not expecting any change to be honest but I don't think this phase was completely worthless.  More thoughts on the subject next week!

Sneak peak of my next post!

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