April 4, 2017

March Highlights 2017

Friday, March 3rd  I got thrifty (love Kohl's sales), sweaty (love MMA class), chatty (love Skye) and brave (Love me!).

Monday, March 6th Zuzu played with some cute friends at daycare and enjoyed a car ride with the windows down:

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Thursday March 9th  Brian and I left to visit our new nephew in Minnesota. I loved seeing where my sisters live, spending time in the city, and getting to see Aiden before he is all grown up. I wish I would have gotten a picture of us at the delicious brunch spot Skye and Mitch chose for us but oh well.  It was a great trip and I wish we lived closer so we could visit more often. Luckily we have plans to see everyone again in July!



Monday, March 13th  I discovered I strongly dislike Spindrift blackberry water (though the other flavors are amazing) and I very much enjoy Noodles and Co. "The Med Salad with Chicken".
Monday, March 20th  Happy Spring! It was warm enough to stretch outside in between my two MMA classes today.

Tuesday, March 21  My little and her homemade (messy) gold slime. I'm sure her granny loves when she comes home covered in glitter.


Sunday, March 26th The Barn in Lowell had an event for BBBS today and I took my little to go check it out.  We had a tour of the farm which included a chicken coop (I bought some free range chicken eggs for both of us!) furry goats and of course, the horses.  After the tour the kids were able to brush and ride the horses in between the pouring rain and also create a cute craft.  Even though the weather wasn't the best we had fun and it was nice to get to know more people in the program. We are even planning an outing with one of the other matches next month!


Monday, March 27th  Zuzu got a full day (of hogging the chair) at daycare because we had people at the house all day installing insulation and all sorts of fun stuff to help make our home more energy efficient.


All of March I'm still going to class regularly and am glad I signed up for a year or I probably would have quit back when I hurt my back. Luckily I am finally feeling back to normal and am so happy I didn't give up. (I think this snap is from February)