March 4, 2017

February Highlights 2017

Saturday, February 4th  I drank 1/3 bottle of Framboise and Brian opened something.


Sunday, February 5th It's the Super Bowl today and Brian's dad came over to watch the game and have snacks and pizza. I made my own low carb pizza and some flaxseed bars and Zuzu was a cuddle bug. 



 February 10th I had lunch over at Adrienne's house and Zuzu got to play with Charlie and came home a tired pup once again.  It's the best!


Friday, February 13 I went for a hike with Tessa and in a field near the middle of the trail there were a bunch kids randomly spaced sitting very quietly. It was creepy.


Monday, February 14th I went to my MMA fitness class for the first time in forever and my back felt pretty good! I was so happy to be back I forgot how amazing that class makes me feel. On my way home, the purple and pink sky was so ridiculously beautiful, the photo doesn't do it justice.  


Wednesday, February 15th All my Little has been wanting to do lately is make slime from glue and Borax water. The only challenge is trying to find glue, it's constantly sold out everywhere! (Target, Walmart, D&W, Meijer, ugh)  I found this glitter glue at the dollar store but it didn't work the best and was super messy but she had fun!


Thursday, February 16th Brian and I celebrated Valentine's Day by going to the Downtown Market. I don't think we've been there since we moved so it was cool to see how things have changed. We decided to have dinner at Fish Lads and my salad was surprisingly delicious. Brian loved his Gumbo too. 


Saturday, February 17 I forgot to take a picture :( but I met up with Tessa and Tiffany for some Thai food and it was a fun time with good friends (though we missed Kirsten and Susan)!

Sunday, February 18th Lots of action at the DP today!
Also, Brian and I had grand plans to finish painting his office but we spent too much time shopping and running errands and only left enough time to be lazy. :D

World Market has my favorite Haribo Candy's now!


Wednesday, February 22nd Brian received his first white stripe at BJJ today for his good attitude. (His instructor said Brian has the same expression whether he taps out or submits his opponent). The next stripes/belts are based on skill.


The damage from three straight days of BJJ.  


Friday, February 24 Charlie and Zuzu played at our house and Zuzu's spirit animal is an annoyed seal. 



Saturday, February 25th Brian and I spent the night at Mike and Sara's. We had a slightly regretful Chick-fil-A dinner and played a few games. I didn't take any pictures except these two:

On the drive over Zuzu was a very sleepy girl:

Sara and the pups:

Until next month (hopefully)!